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Who we are

We are a non-profit organization founded in Vienna by Manuel Miranda Núñez – Chilean violist – and José Carlos Velayarse – Peruvian painter, both artists living in Austria.

cultural events in vienna

The organization was born to promote art and culture through inclusive participation instances and encourage values such as respect, fellowship, and empathy among participants and members of the community.

We deeply believe in the positive impact that art and music can have on society and for this reason, we work directly with artists in the management of cultural projects in Europe and also with institutions and organizations in Latin America.

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cultural activities in vienna, free activities in vienna


For us the importance of art lies in its role as a social tool for humanity. Its performance is related to the transmission of emotions. Art is a form of communication, in which words are not necessary to convey an idea or thought.

On the other hand, culture is the soul of a vibrant society, expressed in many ways in which we tell our stories, celebrate, remember the past, entertain ourselves and imagine the future.

In this space called society we will encounter migrants, minorities, multiculturalism, other languages, etc. Our vision is that through socio-cultural initiatives citizens can interact, get to know each other, express feelings, and incorporate all groups into the social structure.

artists in vienna, migrant artists, activities in english in vienna


To build a society in which art and culture have an important place in people’s lives, not only as performers, but also as spectators. To create instances of participation and socio-cultural initiatives that work with different sectors of the society.

To highlight the importance of multiculturalism and diversity in artistic expressions, and how this positively influences respect and tolerance in a modern society.

To support, celebrate and develop creative practice, cultural traditions, and transcultural initiatives.

arts as a social tool, cultural activities in vienna, art workshops

What do we want to achieve?

  • Inclusion of migrant artists in Austria and Europe

  • Dissemination and promotion of cultural diversity

  • Integration of communities with fewer opportunities

  • Mental well-being through artistic practice

  • Accessibility and promotion of arts and culture in society

mental health, emotional health, arttherapy

Who can participate in our activities?

Children, youths and adults. We carry out diverse activities that place the artistic experience at the center. Whether family events such as concerts or exhibitions, community initiatives like our “Women Creative Lab”  or for art enthusiasts  of all ages supporting migrant artists in our workshop series “Meet the Artist”. 

We try to make our activities as inclusive and diverse as possible. We work in German, Spanish and English, being the English language the most recurrent among migrant communities. 

We are especially interested in working with communities with fewer opportunities, because we know the benefits that artistic practice brings to groups at risk of exclusion.

cultura en viena

Meet Our Team

violist in vienna, chilean violist, viola chileno, manuel jose miranda nuñez, violista en viena
Manuel José Miranda Núñez

Born in Santiago, Chile. He graduated from the Experimental Artistic Lycée in Santiago and then continued her studies in Music Performance with a mention in Viola at the University of Chile. In 2018 he travels to Vienna (Austria) to continue his studies under the tutelage of violists Natalia Binkowska and Ronald Spindler. Manuel has toured with orchestras such as the German National Orchestra and has played in halls of the Berlin Philharmonic, the Musikverein in Vienna or the Gewandhaus in Leipzig.

In Chile, he worked for years as a Viola and violin instructor in different projects of Children‘s Orchestras and nowadays Manuel is mainly dedicated to chamber music and the management of interdisciplinary projects.

pintor peruano, peruvian painter in vienna, painting class
José Carlos Velayarse

He was born in Lima. He studied painting at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú graduating first in his class. He also holds a master's degree in Contemporary Artistic Creation from the University of Barcelona.

He currently is a member of the International Art Association IAA, is also director of the Accidental Gallery and teaches drawing and painting at the Milat Austria Non-profit Association.

chilean project manager, maria fernanda monsterio gonzalez en viena, project manager, proyectos internacionales, chilena, cur
María Fernanda Monasterio

Born in Chile. Her academic background is Law (Chile) and International Business (Austria).


Project Writer with experience in writing and implementing proposals for EU, Austrian and Latin American Funds. A strong background in marketing, as well as proven experience in organizing cultural events.

arquitecta, terapia de artes expresiva, vienna
Linda Velásquez

Linda Velásquez, born in Peru and living in Vienna, Austria, is an Architect, Humanitarian Clown, and Facilitator of Expressive Arts with over five years of experience. She guides groups through intermodal experiences based on the Philosophical Foundations of the Expressive Arts. Trained as an Expressive Arts Therapist at TAE-Peru (an Associated School of the European Graduate School), she has supported children, adolescents, and women in educational and community development contexts. In Vienna, she focuses on working with migrant communities, designing and facilitating Erasmus+ projects, and offering one-on-one private accompaniment.

clarinetista, viena, alicante
Pepe Hernández

Pepe lives between two worlds, languages and music.  He has a degree in French-Spanish Translation from the University of Alicante. In addition to that, he has studied Clarinet at the Conservatory of Alicante.


In 2018 he moved to Vienna, where he finished his Diplomstudium in Clarinet and also completed an Instrumentalpädagogik study at the Joseph Haydn Konservatorium und Musik und Darstellungungunität Wien.

artista en italia y viena
Yemi Akamine

Yemi Akamine is an interior architect and art facilitator with a passion for arts and crafts. Her work centers on non-formal education, using art as a tool for social inclusion. She has been leading art workshops in public schools across Tuscany, focusing on fostering creative expression and promoting social change within the migrant community. Through these sessions, Yemi aims to empower individuals to develop a strong sense of self-worth and belonging through artistic exploration. Currently based in Tuscany, she is collaborating with Fondazione POMA Libera Tutti on the "Poma-Camp" project, where she leads creativity labs for kids to help them develop their artistic talents.


Yemi also supports IRARU's mission by collaborating with us on the implementation of our Erasmus projects and expressive arts workshops. Her experience and unwavering commitment are invaluable to our team!

ilanguage, multilinguismo
Dr. Carola Koblitz

Carola is a linguist, communication scientist, journalist, author and independent researcher in the fields of multilingualism, multiculturalism, foreign language didactics, media pedagogy, identity and language, transculturality, and the history and culture of Latin America. She holds a PhD. in Communication Sciences from the University of Vienna and is currently pursuing a master's degree in Applied Linguistics.

But undoubtedly her most important project is the promotion of "Inherent Language" which is a term from modern linguistics that was first suggested in Carola Koblitz's research (2017). The word "inherent" comes from the Latin inhaerere and refers to an element that is an essential part of a being or an object, that is within it and at the same time defines it. Therefore, an inherent language is a language that is part of you and your identity.

diseño grafico
Daniela Mancilla 

Daniela Mancilla is a Graphic Designer and takes this form of communication as a fundamental tool to connect with her environment. She fervently believes that design has the power to transform and improve our communities, and that is why she always aspires to put her skills at the service of society. For her, design is an essential communication tool that must be integrated into our daily lives, as we are inherently visual beings.

IRARU represents a unique opportunity to apply her skills in a context that values and promotes community well-being and share a commitment to social improvement through creative collaboration. She sees art and design not only as professions, but as powerful means to inspire, educate and mobilize people towards a more just and sustainable future.

culture and arts events in vienna

Copyright © 2024 IRARU | Culture, Integration & Socio-cultural Initiatives

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